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Massive Aurora over Pitt Meadows

I have wanted to photograph the aurora for many years, and it finally showed up in Vancouver. What an experience.

Massive Aurora over Pitt Meadows
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July Supermoon🌕

July Supermoon🌕
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Sun & Moon Craters🌓

Haven’t met a single goal I set for myself in January, because my dog has been sick basically all of January.

Sun & Moon Craters🌓
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Cold Night Above Whistler

Cold Night Above Whistler
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Moonglow & Racing Stripes

Moonglow & Racing Stripes
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Burnaby Moon

Burnaby Moon
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Burnaby Sunrise

Burnaby Sunrise
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First Astrophoto

This photo is terrible, but I love it because I brings back memories of the first time I was in a field, taking a photo of the stars. It means something to me.

First Astrophoto